Experience competition level coffee, from the comfort of your kitchen

Experience competition level coffeefrom the comfort of your kitchen

Before & After Sifting
Ben Put
Ben Put


2015, 2016 World Barista Champion (3rd Place)
2013, 2014, 2015 Canada Barista Champion
2009-2014 Regional Champion
Miki Suzuki
Miki Suzuki


2016 Japan Barista Champion
2011 Japan Barista Champion
Veronika Gálová Veselá
Veronika Gálová Veselá


2016 Slovakia Brewers Cup Champion
2016 Slovakia Barista Champion (3rd place)
2015 Slovakia Barista Champion
Sasa Sestic
Sasa Sestic


2015 World Barista Champion
2015 Australia Barista Champion

Take your coffee to the next level...while you wait for the water to boilNo additional time added to your routine

Select a seive

Select A Sieve

Pour your grinds into the top tray

Pour Your Grinds In

Shake your Sifter

Shake Your Sifter

Cross Section of the KRUVE Sifter
15 Individual Sieves

Up to 15 sievesmeans105
possible grind sizes

Sift your grind&Experience the true taste of coffee